Friday 14 June 2013

The right to be forgotten

It's a lovely sentiment. In today's world of digital news, it's almost impossible to erase yourself from history. Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn - they all make sure that the one time you posted something silly is forever retained in the archives of the interwebs.

As they say, the internet never forgets.

In South Africa, negotiating the world of social media for journos can be tricky. As far as I know,  there aren't any actual laws that regulate online media, although almost all of my breaking news is consumed via my social media networks.

Grubstreet has posted a brilliant piece on what SA journos and media can expect to happen over the next few years in the courts as precedents are set and legislation catches up with the ever-changing world of digital media.

Willem de Klerk sets out five principles to keep in mind when using social media. It's a bit wordy but well worth the read. Just make sure you check out both posts and click through the links to other articles and examples of some social media policies. See below for links to both parts.

Part One

Part Two

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