Wednesday 31 July 2013

Blog love

One of my freelance editors' groups sent out a link to this blog post. What a fantastic idea! Imagine reviewing books by editing the first page as you would if you were a book editor. I completely agree with the concept that you can tell a lot about a book from the first page.

In order to accurately have an opinion on the controversial 50 Shades of Grey, I actually went out and bought the book so I could see for myself what all the hullabaloo was about (yes, that is spelled correctly - I checked the OED). My opinion? The book is badly written. The editing is even worse. But it's the kind of book that captures your attention (or, in my opinion, it mimics the flow of good reading so you don't want to put it down because it encourages you to keep on).

I've subscribed to the blog because I'd love to read more posts like this. Great concept, well written and worth a giggle or two.

The Red Pen of Doom impales Fifty Shades of Grey

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